Is there a bigger topic on the Internet?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If your website cannot be found on the internet, it might as well not exist. SEO is the art and science (and voodoo) of making sure your website is found by the people who are looking for it.

There are 1,000s of SEO books on Amazon. Half of the books will tell you one thing, and the other half will tell you the opposite. This field is constantly changing, and SEO is a moving target. The search engines implement changes to combat spammers, and then businesses need to update their websites because the sites have disappeared from search. What an expensive hassle.

At Simplehack, making sure websites can be found and indexed by the major search engines is at the forefront of how we approach design and development. We have monitoring in place to make sure the site is indexed and receiving organic traffic. Sites that are fast, secure, mobile friendly, accessible, and have compelling content are sites that will rank well in search. This is where we start.

Major SEO Companies:

Some of the most recognizable and cash-rich brands in the world. No wonder because they are effectively gate keepers to the Internet. The more you pay them, the more likely your website will be found. Our goal is first-class SEO so that we don't need to pay for traffic.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you fix my website?

  • Do you design websites?

  • How long does it take?

  • How do I get started?

  • When can you get started?

  • How much does it cost?

  • I already use a service (GoDaddy, Wix, Shopify, etc), does that work?

  • What is SEO?

  • Can I sell things on my website?

How we help

Simplehack Services

We have ~20 years experience designing and building software for the Web. Here is an overview of what Simplehack offers. Please, reach out if you're looking for something that isn't on this list.

Technical consulting
Looking for a way forward on a technical problem or idea? Have a question about your website, or the software you use or want to use?
Software development
Need something custom inside of your existing application or website? Have data that needs to be accessible?
Website and search optimization (SEO)
Website broken, or not working as expected? Concerned your website isn't optimized for search or appears incorrectly in search?
Web design and application design
Looking for a new website, or a refreshed design of an existing site? Need something added to your site? We can help.
Review expenses
Review existing tech expenses and make recommendations on how to consolidate and save.
Helping with Goals / Marketing
Set goals, and come up with an action plan to measure and achieve them.
Instructional / Coaching
Private tutoring for individuals / and small teams.
Short-term contracting
We hop on your team to help with short-term projects